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Nico Marshall’s living her best life. Her packaging company’s turning a profit and she’s just been labeled Chicago’s most promising up-and-coming artist. The only thing missing is love. When she meets a beautiful woman on the train with an indescribable sweet and sugary scent, Nico’s ready to make her move.
Sophia Sweet doesn’t have time for distractions. Never mind how fit and tan Nico is, or how she has the most beautiful eyes ever. Sophia only has one goal: keep the family business alive. Her third-generation chocolatier shop, Sweet Stuff, is tanking. In a last-ditch effort, Sophia creates an upscale version of their product and needs the perfect package to ensure success.
When Sophia recognizes Nico from the train but mistakes her for the packaging company’s warehouse employee, Nico doesn’t bother to correct her. She’s been burned by women in the past wanting her for her money. This time, she’s determined to win Sophia over with her charm.
Praise for Kris Bryant
“The characters—both main and secondary, including the furry ones—are wonderful (I loved coming across Piper and Shaylie from Falling), there’s just the right amount of angst, and the sexy scenes are really hot. It’s Kris Bryant, you guys, no surprise there.”—Jude in the Stars
“This book has everything you need for a sweet romance. The main characters are beautiful and easy to fall in love with, even with their little quirks and flaws. The settings (Vail and Denver, Colorado) are perfect for the story, and the romance itself is satisfying, with just enough angst to make the book interesting…This is the perfect novel to read on a warm, lazy summer day, and I recommend it to all romance lovers.”—Rainbow Reflections
“This book has a great first line. I was hooked from the start. There was so much to like about this story, though. The interactions. The tension. The jealousy. I liked how Cassie falls for Brooke’s son before she ever falls for Brooke. I love a good forbidden love story.”—Bookvark
“This book is an emotional roller coaster that you’re going to get swept away in. Let it happen…just bring the tissues and the vino and enjoy the ride.”—Les Rêveur
“People who have read Ms. Bryant’s erotica novella Shameless under the pseudonym of Brit Ryder know that this author can write intimacy well. This is more a romance than erotica, but the sex scenes are as varied and hot.”—LezReviewBooks
“This story was the perfect length for this cute romance. What made this especially endearing were the relationships Jess has with her best friend, Mo, and her mother. You cannot go wrong by purchasing this cute little nugget. A really sweet romance with a cat playing cupid.”—Bookvark
“This is a story you don’t want to pass on. A fabulous read that you will have a hard time putting down. Maybe don’t read it as you board your plane though. This is an easy 5 stars!”—Romantic Reader Blog
“Bryant delivers a story that is equal parts touching, compassionate, and uplifting.”—Lesbian Review
“This was a nice, romantic read. There is enough romantic tension to keep the plot moving, and I enjoyed the supporting characters’ and their romance as much as the main plot.”—Kissing Backwards
Goldie Winner Listen
“Ms. Bryant describes this soundscape with some exquisite metaphors, it’s true what they say that music is everywhere. The whole book is beautifully written and makes the reader’s heart go out to people suffering from anxiety or any sort of mental health issue.”—Lez Review Books
“I was absolutely captivated by this book from start to finish. The two leads were adorable and I really connected with them and rooted for them…This is one of the best books I’ve read recently—I cannot praise it enough!”—Melina Bickard, Librarian, Waterloo Library (UK)
“The main character’s anxiety issues were well written and the romance is sweet and leaves you with a warm feeling at the end. Highly recommended reading.”—Kat Adams, Bookseller (QBD Books, Australia)
“This book floored me. I’ve read it three times since the book appeared on my Kindle…I just love it so much. I’m actually sitting here wondering how I’m going to convey my sheer awe factor but I will try my best. Kris Bryant won Les Rêveur book of the year 2018 and seriously this is a contender for 2019.”—Les Rêveur
Against All Odds
“Against All Odds by Kris Bryant, Maggie Cummings, and M. Ullrich is an emotional and captivating story about being able to face a tragedy head-on and move on with your life, learning to appreciate the simple things we take for granted and finding love where you least expect it.”—Lesbian Review
“I started reading the book trying to dissect the writing and ended up forgetting all about the fact that three people were involved in writing it because the story just grabbed me by the ears and dragged me along for the ride…[A] really great romantic suspense that manages both parts of the equation perfectly. This is a book you won’t be able to put down.”—C-Spot Reviews
Lammy Finalist Jolt
Jolt “is a magnificent love story. Two women hurt by their previous lovers and each in their own way trying to make sense out of life and times. When they meet at a gay- and lesbian-friendly summer camp, they both feel as if lightning has struck. This is so beautifully involving, I have already reread it twice. Amazing!”—Rainbow Book Reviews
Goldie Winner Breakthrough
“Looking for a fun and funny light read with hella cute animal antics and a smoking hot butch ranger? Look no further…In this well-written first-person narrative, Kris Bryant’s characters are well developed, and their push / pull romance hits all the right beats, making it a delightful read just in time for beach reading.”—Writing While Distracted
“It’s hilariously funny, romantic, and oh so sexy…But it is the romance between Kennedy and Brynn that stole my heart. The passion and emotion in the love scenes surpassed anything Kris Bryant has written before. I loved it.”—Kitty Kat’s Book Review Blog
“Kris Bryant has written several enjoyable contemporary romances, and Breakthrough is no exception. It’s interesting and clearly well-researched, giving us information about Alaska and issues like poaching and conservation in a way that’s engaging and never comes across as an info dump. She also delivers her best character work to date, going deeper with Kennedy and Brynn than we’ve seen in previous stories. If you’re a fan of Kris Bryant, you won’t want to miss this book, and if you’re a fan of romance in general, you’ll want to pick it up, too.”—Lambda Literary
Forget Me Not
“Told in the first person, from Grace’s point of view, we are privy to Grace’s inner musings and her vulnerabilities…Bryant crafts clever wording to infuse Grace with a sharp-witted personality, which clearly covers her insecurities…This story is filled with loving familial interactions, caring friends, romantic interludes, and tantalizing sex scenes. The dialogue, both among the characters and within Grace’s head, is refreshing, original, and sometimes comical. Forget Me Not is a fresh perspective on a romantic theme, and an entertaining read.”—Lambda Literary Review
Whirlwind Romance
“Ms. Bryant’s descriptions were written with such passion and colorful detail that you could feel the tension and the excitement along with the characters.”—Inked Rainbow Reviews
“Taste is a student / teacher romance set in a culinary school. If the premise makes you wonder whether this book will make you want to eat something tasty, the answer is: yes.”—The Lesbian Review
“The sexual chemistry in this book is off the hook. Kris Bryant writes my favorite sex scenes in lesbian romantic fiction.”—Les Rêveur
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© 2021 By Kris Bryant. All Rights Reserved.
ISBN 13: 978-1-63555-781-7
This Electronic Original Is Published By
Bold Strokes Books, Inc.
P.O. Box 249
Valley Falls, NY 12185
First Edition: January 2021
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission.
Editors: Ashley Tillman and Shelley Thrasher
Production Design: Stacia Seaman
Cover Art by Deb B.
Cover Design by Sheri ([email protected])
eBook Design by Toni Whitaker
By the Author
Whirlwind Romance
Just Say Yes: The Proposal
Forget Me Not
(writing as Brit Ryder)
Against All Odds
(with Maggie Cummings and M. Ullrich)
br /> Acknowledgments
Hands down, my editors deserve all the thanks for getting this book out. Writing during a pandemic is extremely difficult, but Ashley held my hand during the content stage of it until it worked itself into a solid story. And Shelley gave me two rounds of copy edits to catch all the mistakes. My editors are wonderful and I love them for their support and understanding.
Thank you to Rad, Sandy, Cindy, Stacia, Toni, and everyone in front of and behind the scenes. They press on every month and get our books out and into the hands of our readers on time. They make us look good when they deserve all the credit.
Christopher Elbow Chocolates was so unbelievably helpful during the research phase of this book (lucky me, huh?). Gordon took time out of his busy schedule to give me a tour of the warehouse and the store. I have learned so much and have tasted the best artisan chocolates in the world. Go to elbowchocolates.com and see the amazing combinations of flavors and chocolate that are almost too beautiful to eat. Almost.
I couldn’t have done this without my friends. Thank you to Fiona for keeping me on my schedule and encouraging me to participate in writing sprints (which help so much!), Jenn, and the beautiful g.s., KB Draper and our socially distancing writing dates, HS, Melissa, Georgia, Sugar, Paula, Cathie, Sue, KC, and for everyone who checks in on me and ensures I’m doing okay. Thank you to Deb for your never-ending support and always coming up with the best covers before I even have a chance to start thinking about what I think will look good.
This is the fourth installment of the sensory series. Thank you to my readers, who have made this series successful and fun to write. You are my cheerleaders and I appreciate every kind word, review, and email from you along the way.
To Nikki
Chapter One
“I’m sorry to do this, but I have to leave for another meeting, and I don’t want to be late.” I looked at my watch for effect, but I knew exactly what time it was and how long I had to catch the train. Only a few minutes, and I couldn’t miss it. Any other day? Sure, but not today. She caught the train only on Thursdays. I stood and nodded at the partners and the sales staff circled around the conference table, all eyes on me and my interruption.
“I’ll catch you up, Nico.” Trish, my sister and part owner of Tuft & Finley, winked at me from the center chair.
“Have a good night, everyone.” I avoided Trish’s smirk. She knew what I was doing and why I was in such a hurry. We had no secrets. I grabbed my messenger bag and my phone from my office on the way out the door. My reflection in the foyer mirror showed a slightly flustered woman in desperate need of a haircut, but still attractive. I didn’t look my best, but it was the best I could do right now.
I reached the platform with two minutes to spare. I smoothed the creases in my pants, tucked my shirt deeper into my waistband, and adjusted my belt so the buckle lined up perfectly with the buttons of my shirt. It was too hot to wear my blazer, so I carefully folded it over my bag and rolled up my sleeves to look as casual as possible. I was trying to impress a woman who didn’t even know I existed. When the doors whooshed open, I slipped into the semi-air-conditioned car, where the pungent smells of exhaust and metal pushed their way in as people rotated out. I caught a whiff of overused cologne from the suit who had just vacated my seat. For a moment, I considered moving, but I wanted to be in the same place I was the last four Thursdays.
It was only a matter of time before she noticed the familiarity of me in the same seat week after week. I adjusted my bag under the bench and pulled out my tablet. I smiled when a book I’d started late last night popped up on the screen. My day had been so hectic I’d forgotten about it. I looked at my watch. We would be at her stop in four minutes, and she would ride it until two stops before mine.
With my first show less than three months away, I needed extra studio time. To say I was nervous was an understatement. One of my pieces had been noticed outside a coffeeshop during a news story about an up-and-coming neighborhood, and suddenly I was the next best artist in the greater Chicago area. I knew my fame wouldn’t last, and my family really pushed me to ride the wave while I could. My watch buzzed. I looked at the message.
Have you made contact? Trish’s text made me smile.
I picked up my phone and shot off a quick text. In T-minus thirty seconds. I added a thumbs-up to show confidence, more for myself than for her.
Maybe this time you should, oh, I don’t know, SAY HI???
We’ll see.
Ugh. Don’t make me ride the train with you next week and force you to talk to her. Because you know I will.
Trish was my champion. She was deliriously happy in her marriage and wanted the same thing for me. This unknown woman was the first one who’d made my heart beat faster in almost two years.
When the train lurched to a stop, her stop, I tensed. I pretended to be engrossed in my book, but truthfully, I was using my peripheral vision to find her in the crowd. When I saw the familiar black heels on the ribbed floor in front of me, I looked up and held my breath. She looked at me. For the first time, we made eye contact. Her eyes were blue, like mine, but lighter. My breath hitched, and my stomach fluttered. Before I could smile, she looked away and took a seat on the same side, but in a different section. I closed my eyes and waited. A sugary scent washed over me, and I smiled as the wave of sweetness carried me back to my childhood when my parents took us to Navy Pier on the weekends, and Trish and I gorged on cotton candy, caramel apples, and chocolate. She smelled delicious. Today it was definitely chocolate. Last week, she smelled like buttercream frosting.
With both hands, she cupped a small white box, held together with a red, silky ribbon as if it were the most important thing in her life, resting on her knees. I glimpsed her through the people who sat and stood in the space between us. Her hair was long and straight and the color of dark honey. She looked cool and calm while I sat fifteen feet away holding my elbows away from my sides for fear of sweating through my shirt. Even though the temperature inside the train wasn’t bad, I was nervous because today I was going to talk to her. Maybe. Probably not. I sighed when I saw she was wearing earbuds. Not that I had the courage to talk to her, but it was just another obstacle I could list when Trish asked me if I’d made my move and I told her the same thing for the fifth week in a row.
Is she there yet?
She’s wearing earbuds, and about two million people are standing between us. Or maybe I’m talking to her right now, and your buzzing is distracting. I answered Trish’s text and waited for the backlash.
That’s bullshit. Bawk bawk. I smell chicken. Chicken and egg emojis followed her words.
I don’t even know what I’m doing or why I’m trying. I have to stay focused on my art. I don’t have time to date.
Total lie. I was busy, but I always had time for love and romance. It had just been too long, and I’d forgotten to make it a priority.
My phone rang. “Well, now for sure I can’t talk to her.” I answered Trish’s call with a low whisper.
“Maybe if I make you sound all important, she’ll overhear the conversation, and you can impress her with your knowledge of whatever it is you do at Tuft & Finley.”
“You’re funny. Talking about myself probably isn’t the best way to impress a woman. Tell me what I missed after I left,” I said.
Our company was growing, and things were starting to fall through the cracks. We needed to hire more people because we were already spread too thin. Tuft & Finley had started in college as an environmental recycle project that turned into a packaging company. We never thought it would grow into a profitable business. We all had different dreams and goals after college, but it was hard to walk away from its success. We were all at the point where we wanted to sit back and relax a little, but we were working just as hard now as we did back then. We needed at least five new employees to pick up the slack.
“We went over a few resumes and scheduled interviews for a second-shift warehouse manager, two office assistants, and an outside sales rep, since ours decided to get knocked up,” Trish said.